NFT Airdrop & Auction — TCore
There will be an upcoming airdrop of NFTs to all TCORE holders, as well as an auction for exclusive NFTs. However, these aren’t simple NFTs — they come packed with utilities and perks. The snapshot for the impending airdrop of NFTs will happen once this timer ends :
Firstly, let’s go over the airdropped NFTs. These will establish a tier system, which will be based on the user’s currently held TCORE, at the time of the snapshot.
So to be clear : once the timer ends, there will be a snapshot for the upcoming airdrop. These will be tradeable, but you’ll need to hold it in order to retain the perks that come with it.
Rank I — Eurus (1–19 TCORE)
-Early community member
Rank II — Notus (20–39 TCORE)
- Early community member
- Voting power of 10
- Access to airdrops from future TCORE partners.
Rank III — Zephyrus (40–69 TCORE)
- Early community member
- Voting power of 15
- Access to airdrops from future TCORE partners.
- Private Telegram group with members tier III+
- Partnership Token Airdrop
Rank IV — Boreas ( 70–100 TCORE)
- Early community member
- Voting power of 25
- Access to airdrops from future TCORE partners.
- Private Telegram group with members tier III+
- Ability to propose additions/changes to the TCORE platform via governance
Rank V — Aeolus (100 TCORE and more / LP holders)
- Early community member
- Voting power of 50
- Access to airdrops from future TCORE partners.
- Private Telegram group with members tier III+
- Ability to propose additions/changes to the TCORE platform via governance
- Part of a monthly meeting with team and dev
NFT Auction — Zeus
On the last Saturday of every month, starting this month (January 2021), an auction will be held for a Zeus NFT. Each year, there will only be 12 Zeus NFTs minted, and each subsequent minting will absorb the benefits of last year’s.
The aforementioned benefit will be a compounding APY, which is produced by staking the auction price of the NFT, and then combining each subsequent year’s wallet to the following one.
For example:
Let’s say you buy this February’s Zeus NFT, you will receive 2021’s “2/12” edition Zeus NFT. The money you spend at the auction will be held in a wallet, and staked for you, then you will receive the APY for one year from this wallet.
After a year’s time, there will be a new “2/12” edition Zeus card that will be sold in February. This new NFT will absorb your staked APY, as well as add their own from the auction. Thus, every year the APY will grow larger and larger for the holder of the NFT.
To incentivize the purchase of the initial NFTs, the first year buyers of each of the 12 first edition cards, will receive 10% of ALL future APY, from the subsequent cards of the same month.
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