AMA Recap : BORG

The Selective
8 min readDec 28, 2020


[The $BORG developer joined us, @DeFiJman]

Before we begin I’d like to remind everyone of the 37th Ferengi rule of acquisition :

“The early investor reaps the most interest.”

Do with that information as you wish.

Section 1 : Selective Questions

Q1) So, as per usual for these AMAs: can you start off by giving us a brief overview of the project?

DeFiJman :
The BORG Token is a collection of different DeFi profit mechanisms designed to be adjusted to increase in value on 3 different levels. I designed this from the ground up to be a “no rug” token and locked liquidity for a year. I want to build a complete ecosystem here around the StarTrek theme.

Uniswap Detective :
Awesome, I like the theme you have chosen and it seems very fitting!

Which profit mechanisms will be “assimilated” into the BORG “collective”?

DeFiJman :
In looking at the entire DeFi landscape, there are many interesting things going on, (taxes, fees, etc.). I wanted to have a token that had all of these innovations but be completely adjustable to meet the market demands.

  1. Auto Tax to Holders — Right now 0.475% from each Transaction is delivered to all holders automatically. Your balance increases without ever needing to stake your tokens.
  2. Fee on Transfer — Right now set to 0%, this will send a small % of the transfer to the BORG contract address. Think of this like the BORG treasury.
  3. Auto-Balancer — Right now set to disabled, this will take the tokens out of the BORG Treasury (Contract Address) and swap half for ETH, and then auto-pair the remaining tokens with that ETH to add to the liquidity pool. This increases our liquidity automatically.

Uniswap Detective :
Ok so these are element from $CORE, $ABS and $RFI into one collective but adjustable.

So the Auto Tax is the $RFI feature for yield without staking, fee on transfer is for the treasury and the auto balancer builds liquidity over time.


DeFiJman :
Yes sir. Auto-tax is like RFI, except RFI is fixed to 1%. This is adjustable.

Q2) Alright, you say that the project is “highly adjustable”, what sort of variables are there to be adjusted?

DeFiJman :
There are the three main profit mechanisms that can be adjusted. Tax to Holders, Fee on Transfer, Auto-Balance (Enable/Disabled) and it’s threshold for adding token via Auto-Balance.

We also have the ability to change who receives the holder tax (exclude accounts).

Current Values on Settings Dashboard

Uniswap Detective :
Ok great. That was one of the main things that sparked my interest in the project as I haven’t seen many this flexible in the mechanics.

So how are things adjusted?

DeFiJman :
The BORG DAO will allow voting on these adjustable parameters. We will have a https://Snapshot.Page voting site for weekly adjustment for all BORG parameters. You must hold $BORG to vote on these parameters.

Uniswap Detective :
Great, so $BORG will be the governance token also and the community can adjust these parameters to fit what suits when the DAO is setup

These being more fees to treasury, more effortless yield or building higher liquidity as required.

When will the DAO be implemented?

DeFiJman :
The DAO is coming by January, first week. I will be setting up the snapshot page this week, and then implementing the voting after January 1st.

Uniswap Detective :
Perfect! I’m looking forward to voting on these changes myself.

Q3) BORG isn’t the only token in the ecosystem — there is the upcoming Armada token pre-sale, how does this token fall into the ecosystem?

DeFiJman :
The Armada (ARM) Token (similar tokenomics to $BORG) is coming to face off vs. the BORG in Uniswap. A portion of BORG and ARM tokens will be put into a (BORG:ARM) Uniswap pair to tie them together indefinitely. Armada will also be completely adjustable (but controlled by BORG DAO). You must hold BORG to control the ARM token.

The Pre-sale will open on 11am EST / 16.00 UTC — 12/29/2020.

It will be non-white list. First come first serve. You send ETH to the pre-sale contract address and ARM automatically comes back to you.

  • PreSale will be 1 ETH = 777 ARM.
  • Listing Price on Uniswap will be 1 ETH = 500 ARM.

Uniswap Detective :
Ok, great so a second token in the ecosystem that will be tied to but still controlled by the $BORG DAO / $BORG holders.

It will be very interesting to see how these play off against each other as the arbitrage will only create more volume and therefore liquidity, treasury funds or yield for holders.

Q4) Apparently there are to be “NFT battles”, what, you know. . . . is that?

DeFiJman :
A big part of this ecosystem is the StarTrek theme. I want to encourage artists to use their talent to earn $BORG. We have a marketplace on OpenSea ( We will be adding NFTs from the community on a weekly-basis for “voting” by the Collective.

How the Contests Work:
1. Users submit their NFT for adding to our market place.
2. The collective votes by auction (payable in BORG, ETH or DAI).
3. The NFT that wins for the week (via auction) will also receive a bonus in BORG (currently set to 5 BORG) sent from the BORG Marketing Fund.

Uniswap Detective :
Great idea and innovation. NFT have caught on very well this year and I think they will only grow in demand in 2021. The theme works very well with The Borg Vs Armada, there are many Star Trek enthusiasts out there.

Okay, and what are the rewards specifically for these “battles”?

DeFiJman :
The winner will win the value of their auction + additional BORG from the BORG Marketing Fund. The reward is set to

1st Place: 5 BORG,

2nd Place: 3 BORG

3rd Place, 1 BORG

Uniswap Detective :
Great incentive. What is the “Wolf 359 Battle?” How will $ARM and $BORG face off?

DeFiJman :
Think of Wolf 359 as a VGE (Volume Generation Event). We have a portion of BORG tokens that are locked for the next 3 months. After the 3 months expire, I will use these tokens to add to the BORG:ARM Uniswap pool to further tie them together. The more tokens in this Uniswap pool, the more ARM and BORG come tied at the “hip”, so to speak.

Uniswap Detective :
A Volume Generation Event. Interesting concept.

The mechanics rely on volume in order to strengthen the protocol and profits for investors so this sounds like a strong idea.

Q5) $BORG now has farming, how do users access this, and what are the rewards like currently?

DeFiJman :
Step 1: Buy BORG —

Step 2: Add BORG to Uniswap Pool (ETH-BORG) to Receive LP Token —

Step 3: Deposit Uniswap LP Token in our Gyser to Earn BORG

Step 4: Profit.

Farm Details:
-2500 $BORG open for Earning over 30 Days.
-Bonus Period (Up to 6x scaled over 5 Days). The longer you deposit your tokens, the more BORG you earn.

Uniswap Detective :
Ok great. Seems to be working very well so far as the liquidity has already grown to well over 50k in around 2 days.

The GYSR dashboard is very intuitive and easy to use so I like that choice.

Will there be farming for $ARM?

DeFiJman :
Yes, the same farming concept for BORG will be used for ARM. We could even get creative to have (ARM-ETH) LP tokens earn BORG, and (BORG-ETH) LP tokens to earn ARM. Incentives for holding and adding liquidity to both.

Uniswap Detective :
Nice idea. I like your creativity and how both can be adjusted to benefit each other.

Q6) Let’s talk security, how can you assure people that their money is safe in $BORG and $ARM?

DeFiJman :
I understand that trust is at an all-time low in DeFi. I believe we’ve all been “let down / rug pulled before”. Even if it’s just a project that the Dev abandoned.

Here is my commitment to ensure security of $BORG and $ARM:

  1. All Liquidity in Uniswap is locked for 1 Year (All of the BORG Pre-sale liquidity is already locked —
    (The liquidity that is unlocked has been user provided via the BORG Farm).
  2. Armada Liquidity will be locked for 1 Year directly after the Pre-sale is completed.
  3. Large Amounts of Tokens will be locked on Team.Finace for 3 months, and all decisions on what to do with these tokens will be made by the BORG DAO.
  4. I am building a community, not just tokens here. By having the NFT battles, Uniswap pairs, farming on BORG and ARM, this ecosystem will continue to grow because I will invest my time and talents to keeping it innovative and fresh.

Uniswap Detective :
Ok, great to hear. The communication has been really strong so far, transparent on everything and features added very fast from yourself. The DAO being up within just one week will give a lot of power to the community also, so that’s really something to look forward to.

Q7) Okay, so, what does the future hold for $BORG & $ARM?

DeFiJman :

  • Armada Pre-Sale (12/29/2020 @ 16.00 UTC): ARM Token
  • NFT Battles (December 2020): StarTrek Themed NFTs Battle, Winner Takes All. Earn BORG in — -NFT Competitions.
  • BORG DAO (January 2021): BORG as Governance Token.
  • Wolf 359 (Q1 2021): The Armada vs. The BORG.

Uniswap Detective :
Ok, great. So a nice short roadmap with plenty to look forward to in the coming days/weeks and this will be developed as time goes on with help from the DAO👌

One last thing actually. Just regarding the pre sale for $ARM. What percentage of the ETH raised will be going into the Uniswap pool following this?

DeFiJman :
97% of the ETH raised will be sent to the Uniswap pool. I will be taking only 1% each to add to the DAO Fund, Marketing Fund and Development Fund.

Uniswap Detective :
Wow… you don’t see that often. Most add around 60% and take a huge share for themselves. Great to see you putting investors first there.

DeFiJman :
I am building an ecosystem here. I don’t want just ETH. I want BORG and ARM to Assimilate the world.

Uniswap Detective :
Resistance is futile!

Section 2 : Community Questions

Q1) What are BORG plans shaping up for marketing and building a strong core community which is essential for any new project in the crypto industry?

DeFi Jman :
Marketing Plans: Use a portion of the BORG marketing fund to gain additional respected influencers to promote our project. I am not looking for just shillers (who may dump tokens) — but instead I want people to own the BORG received, promote BORG and therefore increase their own payout.

Q2) What is the devs background? what experience?”

DeFi Jman :
Quick Background: B.S. in Computer Science, and then took a Marketing Position @ a Fortune 500 company for the past several years. I have a background in both programming and in marketing.

In the world of DeFi I’ve been reading on Reddit, Investing in DeFi for about a year.

And on the token side, my first project was to try and revive the AntiSeal token with an entire ecosystem of tokens —



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