AMA Announcement: Thiago-Burgunder & Knut Robillard from SWISS Finance
Hosted in The Selective Ape Telegram Chat 20th November @ 16:00 UTC.
The Selective Ape Community is proud to announce that we will be holding an AMA with SWISS Finance on the 20th of November at 16:00 UTC.
There will be a prize pool of $100 for the best question during the AMA and on Twitter.
🧠: 4 Preselected Questions from Twitter ($10 each)
🧠: 3 Winners from the Live Telegram AMA ($20 each)
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SWISS Finance Overview:
SWISS is a deflationary farming protocol implementing liquidity and price arbitrage features in its own ecosystem delivering the first exponential growth to the ecosystem.
SWISS allows users to farm while the protocol arbitrates in price and liquidity for the ecosystem to grow.
How does it work?
SWISS allows users to farm while the protocol arbitrates in price and liquidity for the ecosystem to grow making it not only a deflationary farming platform but also delivering exponential growth to the ecosystem.
What is the added value for users?
Each time a user buys or sells SWISS, 3% is withdrawn in the form of SWISS and put back into two wallets (2% and 1%) that arbitrages automatically thanks to a code.
Upcoming Catalysts?
SWISS.swap, a decentralized exchange similar to uniswap but with unique features and governance, it’s expected to launch in early 2021. A fee will be deducted from the total volume of SWISS.swap to buy back SWISS.
The SWISS Finance team is not anonymous and has a proven track record of success with DECASH / $DESH which rose over 30,000% since launch.
You can view their LinkedIn profiles below:
Token Metrics:
Important links:
SWISS Finance
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